- Anteriormost division of the crustacean trunk. [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]
- Middle body region of eight somites bearing maxillipeds and pereopods. [Poore, 2004]
- see Cephalothorax. [Butler, T. H.]
- Tagma between cephalon and abdomen comprising anterior portion of trunk, last somite bearing most posterior genital pore or just anterior to this pore-bearing somite and nearly always limb-bearing.
(syn. cormus (not precise equivalent of pereion)) [Moore and McCormick, 1969] - Tagma between cephalon and abdomen, i.e., anterior part of trunk. [McLaughlin, 1980]
- The anterior region of the trunk (body). [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]
- The central region of a crustacean body: in Brachyura, the seventh to fourteenth segments which are always fused with the six head segments. [Ingle, 1983]
- (Taxon-specific: ) Trunk. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Division (tagma) of body between head and abdomen. Consists of 11 segments ("thoracic segments" or body rings), each bearing pair of polyramous appendages (thoracopods). Covered, along with head, by carapace. (See also trunk). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Trunk. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Family Pycnogonidae) Division (tagma) of body between head and abdomen. Typically consists of 11 somites (thoracomeres), each of which bears pair of biramous appendages (thoracopods). Ventral midline forms food groove. Thorax and abdomen together occasionally termed trunk. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Division (tagma) of body between head (cephalon) and abdomen. Consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), of which seven or eight bear biramous appendages (thoracopods). Thorax and abdomen together occasionally termed trunk. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Region of body comprising eight somites between head and abdomen. First three thoracic somites fused with head to form cephalothorax, with remaining thoracic somites collectively forming pereon. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Region of body comprising eight somites between head proper and abdomen (pleon). First thoracic somite (thoracomere) fused with head, with first and second thoracomeres being covered by and fused with carapace.
See: Pereon [Stachowitsch, 1992] - Posterior part of cephalothorax. Consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), each bearing pair of appendages (thoracopods). Covered, along with cephalon, by carapace. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Region of body basically comprising eight somites between cephalon and pleon. First thoracic somite (and occasionally second) is fused with cephalon to form cephalothorax; remaining somites of thorax collectively form pereon. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Region of body basically comprising eight somites between head (cephalon) and abdomen (pleon). First thoracic somite (and occasionally second) is fused with cephalon to form cephalothorax; remaining somites of thorax collectively form pereon. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Tagma or body region between the cephalon and the abdomen. [Kensley and Schotte, 1989]
- Major division (tagma) of body between head and abdomen. Consists of eight somites (thoracomeres) and is covered by carapace. (See also cephalothorax). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Division (tagma) of body between head (cephalon) and abdomen (pleon); consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), each bearing pair of appendages (thoracopods). First four somites are covered by carapace. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Class Secernentea) Division (tagma) of body between head (cephalon) and abdomen. Consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), each bearing pair of thoracopods. Covered, along with part of head and abdomen, by carapace. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Monhysterida) Region of body between head (cephalon) and abdomen (pleon). First thoracic somite (thoracomere) is fused to head, the remaining three thoracomeres form pereon. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Rhabditida) (Figure only.) [Anderson, 1980]Lepas anatifera: left valve removed. [Anderson, 1980]
- (Taxon-specific: Order Rhabditida) Posterior of typically two basic divisions (tagmata) of body (head, thorax; in ascothoracican, head thorax, abdomen). Consists of six segments (somites) bearing appendages (cirri). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- (Taxon-specific: Family Cyatholaimidae) That part of the body of a copepod posterior to the cephalic somite (bearing maxilla 2) and including the somite bearing the genital opening. [Ferrari and Dahms, in press]
- According to interpretation dividing body into cephalon, thorax, and abdomen, five-segmented tagma including maxilliped-bearing (maxillipedal) somite and following four thoracopod-bearing somites (thoracomeres). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Posterior of two major regions (head, thorax) of body; unsegmented and not clearly delimited from head. Typically bears two pairs of appendages (thoracopods) and is indistinguishably fused with rudimentary abdomen. Entirely enclosed in carapace. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Second of three basic divisions of body (cephalon, thorax, abdomen). Consists of six somites (thoracomeres), of which at least the first is fused to head (to form cephalosome). Main flexure point of body may lie within thorax. (See also metasome, urosome). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Major division (tagma) of body between head and abdomen. Basically consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), although in anaspidacean and stygocaridacean, first thoracomere (bearing maxillipeds) is fused with head. [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Region (tagma) of body comprising eight somites between cephalon proper and abdomen. First thoracic somite (thoracomere) fused with cephalon. (See also pereon). [Stachowitsch, 1992]
- Posterior part of cephalothorax. Consists of eight somites (thoracomeres), most bearing well-developed appendages (thoracopods). Fused with and largely covered by carapace.
(syn. pereopod) [Stachowitsch, 1992]